Buba Bojang,美国华盛顿州Lake Stevens的开发商
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Buba Bojang

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Lake Stevens, WA, United States
Toptal Member Since
October 25, 2022

Buba是一名软件工程师,他设计的软件系统可以改善大型部门和机构的流程. 他建立了一个海关情报系统来记录缉获的违禁品, a hospital management system for government hospitals, a multi-tenant system for colleges and universities, 以及包括医疗补助和医疗保险在内的综合系统. He oversees all phases of developing web applications, RESTful web services, 以及部署后的微服务和维护软件.


Random Games Company, Inc
Keycloak,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), AWS Fargate,亚马逊RDS...
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
Java, Jakarta EE, Spring Boot, Messaging, Batch File Processing, RabbitMQ...
Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA)
PHP, Laravel, Java, Spring, Vue, RabbitMQ, api, Docker, Kubernetes, MySQL...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Confluence, Jira, Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, Slack, Miro, Docker

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Back-end Engineer

2022 - 2023
Random Games Company, Inc
  • 在AWS Fargate上实现Keycloak实例的集群,使其IAM (Identity and Access Management)服务能够扩展.
  • 将Keycloak服务器实例升级到最新版本.
  • 通过修改Jenkins管道文件,将构建的容器部署到AWS Fargate ECS服务和Task,为他们的GitOps做出贡献.
  • Provided detailed documentation on how to set up, configure and deploy a Keycloak cluster on AWS Fargate.
Technologies: Keycloak,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), AWS Fargate,亚马逊RDS, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Terraform, Jenkins, GitOps, Web Security, Clustering, Identity & Access Management (IAM)

Software Engineer

2020 - 2022
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
  • 为医疗援助计划开发服务,帮助在公共保险系统中识别符合条件的老年人和需要医疗费用的残疾人.
  • 构建Oracle数据库迁移脚本运行批处理作业生成每日, weekly, 以及接口应用程序所消耗的月度报告.
  • 更新现有的LTSS(长期服务和支持)系统,包括新的ADRC(老龄化和残疾资源中心)地点和对现有ADRC地点的修改.
  • 跟踪和修复HP应用程序生命周期管理工具的错误.
Technologies: Java, Jakarta EE, Spring Boot, Messaging, Batch File Processing, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Jira, Git, Bash Script, Oracle, Microservices, APIs, Web Services, HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Data Structures, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS), SQL, Cloud Architecture, PostgreSQL, Full-stack Development, API Integration, Server Migration, Legacy Code, Scrum, Apache Tomcat, Angular, Keycloak, Integration, Reporting, Business Processes, Gainsight, Databases, Twilio, Twilio API, Linux, API Design

Senior Software Engineer

2016 - 2019
Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA)
  • 通过设计和开发GRA战略仪表板,该仪表板连接并生成来自运营数据库的数据,并使用139个运营和分析kpi分析数据,从而简化了高级管理层的战略决策.
  • 通过创建海关情报应用程序,根据违禁品的类型提供分析,改善了GRA海关情报和执法部门的情报调查和缉获案件, concealment methods, and transportation modes.
  • 通过设计和开发能力评估应用程序,协助人力资源工作组成功地分析每位员工在其职位描述中所需技能的能力水平,并确定潜在的培训师.
  • 为人力资源工作小组开发了一个定制的调查应用程序,该应用程序生成了关于员工对人力资源角色的认识和理解的综合报告, awareness of HR reforms, and access to HR reform documentation.
Technologies: PHP, Laravel, Java, Spring, Vue, RabbitMQ, api, Docker, Kubernetes, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Domain-driven Design (DDD), RESTful Microservices, Event-driven Programming, Cron, MongoDB Atlas, Data Structures, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST APIs, Redis, Team Leadership, JavaScript, CSS, Design, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, SQL, Full-stack, Cloud Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, Twilio, VoIP, Architecture, PostgreSQL, Technical Leadership, Payment APIs, Azure Cloud Services, Node.js, TypeScript, API Integration, Express.js, DigitalOcean, Scrum, Apache Tomcat, MediaWiki, cPanel, Integration, Reporting, WebSockets, Apache, NGINX, Business Processes, Databases, Backup & Recovery, Azure, Azure SQL Databases, Twilio API, Linux, API Design, SMS, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)

Lead Developer

2013 - 2015
Kubejara Software Development
  • 开发了一个医院管理系统,该系统集中保存患者记录,并改善了冈比亚共和国公立医院之间患者病史和转诊信息的共享,.
  • 创建并发展了一个学院管理系统,帮助满足冈比亚共和国学院和大学的学术和管理需求.
  • 设计并开发了一个学校管理系统,以加强现代高中学生档案管理. 冈比亚共和国的大多数高中都使用它.
技术:Java, Jakarta EE, PHP, Laravel, Spring MVC, Bash Script, Node.js, RabbitMQ, Messaging, Vue, MySQL, Microservices, Web Services, Git, Bitbucket, Jenkins, MongoDB Atlas, Data Structures, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST APIs, Redis, Team Leadership, JavaScript, CSS, CodeIgniter, Design, Stripe, Amazon Web Services (AWS), SQL, Full-stack, Cloud Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, Twilio, VoIP, Architecture, PostgreSQL, Technical Leadership, Payment APIs, Full-stack Development, TypeScript, API Integration, DigitalOcean, Scrum, Apache Tomcat, MediaWiki, cPanel, Integration, Reporting, WebSockets, Apache, NGINX, Business Processes, Customer Success, Databases, Backup & 恢复,Twilio API, Linux, API设计,SMS,多媒体消息服务(MMS)

Software Engineer

2011 - 2013
Gambia Radio And Television Services
  • 为记者开发了一个门户网站,通过这个门户网站,他们可以发送新闻报道供编辑.
  • 设计了一个供公众使用的网站,用于查找节目时间表和直播新闻和节目.
  • 维护机构网站99%的服务器正常运行时间.
Technologies: PHP, Content Management Systems (CMS), Joomla, HTML, CSS3, MySQL, jQuery, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), JavaScript, CSS, Design, SQL, Full-stack, MediaWiki, cPanel, Integration, Apache, Databases, Backup & Recovery, Audio Streaming, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), Web Audio, Linux, API Design, Uptime Monitoring


The TIERS project caters to the management and processing of three programs viz; the Texas Public Assistance Program, 帮助低收入者满足食物等基本需求, shelter, and medical assistance; Food and Cash Benefits, which provides financial aid to individuals or groups who cannot support themselves and are funded by taxpayers that enable people to better cope with financial stress during rough periods; and the Medical Assistance Program, which helps lower-income individuals, the elderly, 以及那些需要在公共保险系统中支付医疗费用的残疾人.

这些项目由联邦政府和州政府共同资助,并由各州管理. 最常见的医疗援助项目是医疗补助和医疗保险. 这个集成系统由遗留Java应用程序组成, EJBs, Spring Boot web services, Angular front ends, and mobile apps. 使用的一些工具和技术是REST/RESTful api, Hibernate, Oracle, MySQL, Kotlin, Bash, Docker, Kubernetes, Git, Jira, and Jama.

I was the Java back-end engineer, 利用领域驱动设计构建新的微服务,并为现有的微服务添加新功能, 并为批处理作业的执行创建了Oracle SQL迁移.

GRA Strategic Dashboard

GRA有两个完全独立的运作部门.e.、国内税务署及海关总署. Each of these departments has its internal applications. 高级管理层认为需要一个实时仪表板,根据某些给定的kpi从所有这些应用程序收集和汇总数据.

这涉及到使用Java为每个可操作的数据库构建web服务, Spring, Hibernate, PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, Node.js, MySQL, REST, and RESTful APIs, 利用RabbitMQ作为服务之间的消息传递技术,并使用Azure Kubernetes services (AKS)部署在Azure云上。.


Customs Intelligence Application

海关情报系统是一套系统,用以记录检获的违禁品,并追踪毒品及已知贩毒者的流动情况. 该系统主要由海关工作人员在外地使用, especially at border posts, 记录检获物品,并透过推送通知,作为边境哨所之间的资讯交换平台.

该系统是在利用领域驱动设计的同时设计的,并作为微服务实现, with services written using Java, Spring framework, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, MongoDB, Node.. js, RabbitMQ, REST和RESTful api, Docker和Kubernetes.

我为海关风险管理部门创建了一个海关情报应用程序,根据查获的违禁品的类型提供分析,从而改进了情报和执法部门的情报调查和查获案件, concealment methods, and transportation modes.

GRA Competency Assessment System

GRA人力资源工作组很难追踪每个员工的能力水平,以了解他们的工作描述所要求的每一项技能. 提出了一种基于GRA胜任力框架和词典的胜任力评估体系, 西非海关总署在WCO-WACAM(西非海关管理现代化)的支持下编写的文件. 该系统评估每个工作人员与其工作描述相关的能力. For each competency, 对员工进行评估,并给予从1级意识到的熟练程度, Level 2–Application, Level 3–Experience, to Level 4–Expert. 该系统还将在某项技能上具有专家水平能力的员工识别为潜在的培训师,以帮助培训那些缺乏该技能所需能力的员工.

这有助于HR了解每个员工的长处和短处,帮助他们进行能力建设项目. 人力资源工作小组成功地分析了每个员工的能力水平,并在他们的工作描述中列出了所有所需的技能. 它已经开始培训那些需要通过系统认定为培训师的员工来提升技能的人.

GRA Survey Application

GRA人力资源工作组在他们的人力资源意识活动中需要一个定制的调查应用程序,该应用程序将生成关于员工对人力资源角色的意识和理解的综合报告, awareness of HR reforms, access to HR reform documentation, the satisfaction of HR services, 以及人力资源部和行政部的期望.

本系统采用PHP Laravel框架,采用MVC架构模式,MySQL数据库进行设计和开发. 人力资源工作小组成功地进行了调查,并生成了报告,帮助他们确定了活动的方向.

Hospital Management System

government hospitals in The Gambia. It enables multiple hospitals to have accounts. Some of the modules included are consultation, appointment, lab services, pharmacy, billing, in-patient, and referral. 这是一个采用领域驱动设计的分布式系统,使用PHP Laravel框架构建为微服务, Java Spring framework, Vue.js, and jQuery, 使用RabbitMQ进行服务间通信,MongoDB和MySQL作为数据库. 它能够集中维护病人记录,改善冈比亚公立医院之间病人病史和转诊信息的共享.

Kubejara College Management System

库别哈拉学院管理系统是为满足高校学术和管理需求而构建的多租户系统. 它的功能涵盖了学院的日常管理, including online application, course management module, finances module, academic and transcripts module, HR module, asset management module, and payroll module.

该分布式系统采用领域驱动设计,并以微服务的形式实现. 用于构建服务的主要语言是Java, Spring Framework, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Node.js for the back end, and Vue.js for the front end. 该产品目前被冈比亚的许多学院和大学使用.
2018 - 2020

Master's Degree in Computer Science


2006 - 2010

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

University of The Gambia - Brikama, The Gambia


Node.. js, REST API, Stripe, Web Audio, Twilio API, Vue, jQuery


Confluence, Jira, Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, Slack, Miro, Docker Compose, Apache Tomcat, Keycloak, MediaWiki, Apache, NGINX, RabbitMQ, Kafka Streams, HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Cron, Jenkins, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), MongoDB Atlas, AWS Fargate, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Terraform


Laravel, Spring, Express.js, Angular, Spring Boot, CodeIgniter, Spring MVC


Java, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, TypeScript, CSS, Bash Script, CSS3


Agile, Microservices, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Scrum, Event-driven Architecture, Database Design, Compiler Design, Event-driven Programming


Linux, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Twilio, DigitalOcean, cPanel, Azure, Jakarta EE, Kubernetes, Oracle, AWS Lambda, Apache Kafka, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Joomla


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Databases, Azure SQL Databases, MongoDB, Redis, Azure Cloud Services, Microsoft SQL Server


Domain-driven Design (DDD), Data Structures, APIs, RESTful Microservices, Back-end, Design, VoIP, Architecture, Technical Leadership, Payment APIs, Full-stack Development, API Integration, Server Migration, Legacy Code, Integration, Reporting, WebSockets, Gainsight, Business Processes, Customer Success, Backup & Recovery, Audio Streaming, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), API Design, SMS, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), Algorithms, Messaging, Web Services, Team Leadership, Full-stack, Cloud Architecture, AWS Cloud Architecture, System Design, Enterprise Architecture, Framework Design, IT Project Management, Programming, Web & Mobile Applications, Discrete Mathematics, System Administration, Linux Server Administration, Batch File Processing, Content Management Systems (CMS), Amazon RDS, GitOps, Web Security, Clustering, Identity & Access Management (IAM), Uptime Monitoring

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