Alexandra Urushadze, Developer in Tbilisi, Georgia
Alexandra is available for hire
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Alexandra Urushadze

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Front-end Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
February 16, 2022

Alexandra is a software engineer with a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science. She has working experience as a front-end, back-end, and full-stack developer, with JavaScript being the primary programming language. Currently, Alexandra is mainly focused on Python and Node.js. for the back end and Vue for the front end.


Toptal Client
JavaScript, Vue, Front-end, Vue Router, Vuetify, Vuex...
Toptal Client
HTML, CSS, Front-end, Vue, Dashboards, Data Visualization, CSS3 Animation...
Callahan Learning Center
JavaScript, Vue, Vue 2, API Integration, Storybook, Webpack...




Preferred Environment

Linux, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, MacOS

The most amazing...

...module I've worked on was a custom encryption layer for a reverse-engineering tool, which required in-depth knowledge of cryptography and low-level programming.

Work Experience

Senior Front-end Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
Toptal Client
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to enhance the AI-assisted platform for field-related professionals worldwide.
  • Developed and maintained features prioritizing front-end usability, reliability, scalability, and security.
  • Utilized Vue and its ecosystem along with CSS, Webpack, UI libraries, and various Web APIs to deliver cutting-edge front-end solutions.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue, Front-end, Vue Router, Vuetify, Vuex, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Testing

Interactive Dashboard Developer (Vue/Front-end)

2023 - 2023
Toptal Client
  • Developed an interactive dashboard from scratch for a food industry convention, leveraging data visualization techniques to enhance user engagement and information comprehension.
  • Created an avatar guide to assist users on the dashboard.
  • Enhanced the user experience with intuitive design and engaging animations, ensuring seamless user interaction and effective information dissemination.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, Front-end, Vue, Dashboards, Data Visualization, CSS3 Animation, JavaScript, User Interface (UI), .NET, Avatars, Highcharts, Kendo UI, Vue Router, Vuetify, Pinia, Vite

Front-end Developer

2022 - 2023
Callahan Learning Center
  • Built and implemented front-end components with the Vue framework, delivering results with attention to detail and precision.
  • Helped maintain and add features on top of existing enterprise applications.
  • Refactored and optimized parts of the application for performance.
  • Worked in a high-speed Agile environment with daily standups and biweekly sprints.
Technologies: JavaScript, Vue, Vue 2, API Integration, Storybook, Webpack, User Interface (UI), Front-end, REST APIs, Git, Vuex, SaaS, Forms, Figma, Stripe, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, .NET

Software Engineer

2020 - 2022
Freelance Clients
  • Built automation tools and developed data pipelines and APIs using Python.
  • Maintained a deployment of up to five projects and made releases for customers.
  • Trained, mentored, and helped new developers with onboarding.
Technologies: Python 3, Python Asyncio, JavaScript, Pytest, Node.js, NPM, PIP, REST APIs, Git, Nuxt.js, Vue, Forms, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, Testing

Front-end Developer

2021 - 2021
Freelance Clients
  • Developed a fully functional real-time web application game from the ground up using Vue and Nuxt.js.
  • Designed and implemented a robust admin panel and dashboard for the website.
  • Tested MVP with Jest and Vue Test Utils and deployed the project to Firebase.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Nuxt.js, Axios, API Integration, User Interface (UI), Canvas, Konva, Vue 2, Jest, Vuetify, REST APIs, Git, Firebase, Vuex, HTML Canvas, Mobile First, Vue, Forms, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, Testing, Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Front-end Web Developer

2018 - 2020
Lambda Games
  • Created and tested animations for games using SVG and HTML5 canvas.
  • Completed full redesigns of existing websites to improve navigation enhance.
  • Built responsive and mobile designs to meet specific requirements, such as quick-loading sites with particular layouts.
  • Strengthened visuals and optimized markup for search engine rankings.
Technologies: HTML5 APIs, SVG, AngularJS, TypeScript, SignalR, CSS, HTML, API Integration, Bootstrap, Front-end, HTML5, Canvas, User Interface (UI), HTML5 Canvas, Chart.js, PixiJS, REST APIs, Sass, Git, HTML Canvas, Mobile First, Forms, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, .NET, Testing

Canvas to DOM
I created an experimental open-source Node.js package, which generates DOM from HTML5 canvas through visual inference. It demonstrates how computer vision techniques can be applied to automate the web animation testing process.

Volunteering App
As a side project, I developed a web application MVP using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js). The main goal of this project is to provide users with a platform for simplifying volunteering or receiving help in the form of tasks of different categories. The application allows users to create an account, view and create tasks based on supported categories, and chat with each other.

Firewalls and HTTP and DNS Servers
As part of my computer networking course, I independently built stateless and stateful firewalls, an HTTP server, and a DNS server from scratch using Python. These projects expanded my networking protocols and Python programming knowledge while providing practical insights into web technologies. I acquired valuable experience in network security and server development and gained a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the web.

Memcache FS
As my final project for the operating systems course, I designed and developed a distributed Fuse-based file system from scratch using C. The project involved storing data in Memcached servers with an ASCII protocol and converting the file system into key-value pairs. I implemented inodes for file metadata and blocks for file content, while directories utilized a single block for links. I optimized random read/write operations. This project allowed me to deepen my understanding of file systems and showcase my proficiency in C programming by designing and implementing the entire system.


TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, HTML5, Python 3, Python, SQL, C


Nuxt.js, Bootstrap, Express.js, Tailwind CSS, Vuetify, AngularJS, PixiJS, Jest, .NET, Kendo UI


Vue, Vue 2, REST APIs, Vuex, HTML5 APIs, Python Asyncio, Node.js, React, D3.js, SignalR, Socket.IO, HTML5 Canvas, Chart.js, Konva, OpenCV, Puppeteer, Ts-node, Stripe, Highcharts


Git, Webpack, Terminal, Pytest, NPM, Canvas, Mongoose, Fuse, Figma


Front-end, API Integration, HTML Canvas, Mobile First, Forms, SVG, User Interface (UI), Storybook, SaaS, CSS3 Animation, Dashboards, Data Visualization, Avatars, Computer Architecture, Computer Vision, Open-source Software (OSS), PIP, Axios, DOM, Computer Networking, Firewalls, HTTP, DNS, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), UDP, Operating Systems, Distributed File Systems, Vue Router, Pinia, Vite, Progressive Web Applications (PWA)


Object-oriented Design (OOD), Testing


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Linux, Docker, MacOS, Firebase, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


MongoDB, MySQL, Memcached

2014 - 2020

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science

Free University Tbilisi - Tbilisi, Georgia

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